Frequently Asked Questions


What can I expect from counseling with Rebecca?

You can expect a compassionate, listening ear to help sort through your story, your struggles, your thoughts, and emotions. You can expect to meet discomfort and change with someone by your side and on your team. You can expect a professional relationship that is built on safety where you get to show up just as you are. I will not simply be a blank slate or mirror, but an interactive participant and fellow human. This professional relationship differs from most relationships in that I will be deeply present with you, hold you in unconditional positive regard, and always be for your healing, growth, and achievement of your personal therapeutic goals; in an unbiased manner. 

Counseling can help you to do many things, internally, relationally, and neurologically. It is a journey towards health, peace, connection, self-knowing, and deep acceptance. It serves to help you through times you may not be able to see your way out of, make sense of things that feel just out of reach, and can help with anxiety, depression, trauma, boundaries, grief and so much more. It can bring clarity and insight, and help that feeling of stuckness, of restlessness, of unhappiness. If any of this resonates:

Schedule a free 20 minute phone consultation with me today.

How do I know if we are a good fit?

This is different for every individual. During our consultation and first few sessions you are welcome to ask me any questions you have. Fit has a lot to do with comfort, so I hope that you will feel comfortable in my presence and speaking with me about anything, though this can take time to build. A very important part of fit is if what you are seeking services for is something within my area of expertise/competence. If it is not, I will let you know and be happy to give you referrals to therapists that may better fit your needs.

What does being an LPC mean?

To become a Licensed Professional Counselor, I completed a master’s degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling with over 700 hours of clinical experience and passed the National Counseling Examination. I then completed an additional 3,000 hours of supervised counseling under Michelle Silva Segura, LPC-S, LMFT-S, SEP. I also complete a minimum of 24 hours of continuing education every license renewal period, with specified focus on ethics and cultural diversity.

I am very committed to my constant growth personally, aka I see my own therapist regularly, and professionally, meaning I am always involved in or planning for my next training or certification.

How often and how long do I come to therapy?

I recommend coming weekly, especially at first, to provide consistent support and to build the therapeutic relationship to a place of deep safety and comfort. If that is cost prohibitive or you feel you have reached the point of needing to come less frequently, it is possible to do bi-weekly sessions or on occasion even monthly upkeep sessions. Therapy can be as long or short as you choose, the goal is always to work my way out of a job and whenever you have achieved your therapeutic goals we will discuss our last session, which can be really beautiful.

Do you take insurance?

I do not accept insurance at this time, but I am happy to provide you with a Statement of Services (Superbill) that you can submit to your insurance for possible out-of-network reimbursement. I recommend looking into your specific out of network reimbursement benefits through your insurance plan, some plans pay back quite a bit after your deductible is met.

What is your cancellation policy?

It is my policy to collect the full session fee if you give me less than 24 hours notice or for missed appointments with no notice.

 Concerns or Complaints?

Texas Behavioral Health Executive Council

George H.W. Bush State Office Bldg.

1801 Congress Ave., Ste. 7.300

Austin, Texas 78701

(512) 305-7700