I work with adults facing struggles with (but not limited to):

  • Life Transitions

  • People-Pleasing

  • Setting Boundaries

  • Negative Self-Regard

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Trauma/PTSD/CPTSD

  • Shame

  • Perfectionism

  • Relational Struggles

  • Attachment Issues

  • Grief and Loss

  • Feeling Stuck

  • Feeling Disconnected from Self

  • Chronic Illness/Autoimmuinty

I work with human beings that have human struggles, pain, and imperfections. I expand on some of my specialities below, If you don’t see yourself or your experiences reflected here know they are still valid and you are so worthy of care. I am very open to exploring your specific needs, so please reach out if you feel at all curious about working together or have any questions.

I specialize in trauma responsive care, and especially enjoy helping people struggling with relational and family of origin trauma, as well as sexual, religious, racial/cultural, and SOGIE (sexual orientation, gender identity, and expression) trauma. But what exactly is trauma?  

“Trauma” is defined as an experience that creates a lasting, substantial psychosocial and somatic impact. More simply put, trauma is something that overwhelms one’s capacities to cope. I don’t believe anyone has escaped trauma fully in their lives because trauma is not just car crashes and violent assaults. Trauma is also experiencing emotional abuse or neglect, living through a global pandemic, being made to feel ashamed of who you are, your beliefs, your body, your skin color; just to name a few. Trauma does not occur in isolation, nor does healing; whatever your trauma history looks like I would be honored to help you heal.  

I also specialize in helping people navigate experiences of anxiety, panic, and depression. I try not to use pathologizing language as I believe “mental illness” would be better defined as patterns of coping, responses to trauma, and adaptations to survive. Aka humans can experience anxiety, panic, depression, but are not defined by those things. In the right circumstances, I do believe in the power of a diagnosis and medication in conjunction with regular therapy. Statistics show that therapy alone makes a bigger difference than medication alone, but the two in conjunction can make the biggest impact on healing, in some cases. In other cases, this may be unnecessary and putting a label on the very human things you are experiencing may not feel good, and I want to be sensitive to that if so. Together we will explore root causes and focus on holistic healing that seeks deep and lasting change.

I also specialize in working with folks that struggle with boundaries in relationships, who struggle to know what they are needing, feeling, and are worth. I love helping people learn how to reconnect to their bodies, their emotions/needs, and their intuitions. All of these are powerful things but can be hard to connect to if you grew up in home(s) or have been in relationships where you were told you shouldn’t feel what you were feeling or need what you were needing; overtly or covertly. Would you call yourself a caretaker, people pleaser, even “codependent,” or find yourself wondering why no one is giving to you as much as you give to them? Let’s talk.

I also specialize in helping people struggling with perfectionism and/or imposter syndrome. Do you hold yourself to impossibly high standards and often find yourself paralyzed and procrastinating? Or overwork yourself to the point of total exhaustion? Do you worry if people really knew you they would not give you the praise, money, attention, love that they do? Life does not have to feel like this and it is possible to shift your relationship with perfectionism or imposter syndrome.

I really enjoy working with Highly Sensitive People (HSP). Do you feel deeply impacted by your environment; to light, sound, smell, and others’ energy or emotions? Do you pick up easily on subtle smells, flavors, or changes in your environment or others? If so you may be a HSP, and I would love to work with you, as a fellow HSP.

I love working with other therapists as well, especially if you have a history of family of origin/developmental trauma, resonate as having been parentified, a “glass child,” are an adult child of emotionally immature parents, or feel complex PTSD fits for you. Happy to blend deeper work with consultation, if needed.

Helping humans reconnect to their authentic, true, core, selves is what I love most and is part of all the work I do. Some qualities of the Authentic Self are calm, clarity, compassion, connection, confidence, courage, creativity, and curiosity. These qualities always have been and always will be a part of you, but can get tamped under the weight of survival. I would love to help you cultivate them and to reconnect to yourself, the world, and others in deeply meaningful ways.

Book your free 20 minute phone consultation today.